Bible Studies

How to Read the Bible Lesson 3

 Leader: Rev. Mark Gabb
St Paul's Lutheran Church

Getting into the Word





Remember Romans 1:16!



Changed by the Word


Read Matthew 7:24. What did Jesus want his hearers to do with the words he had spoken in the Sermon on the Mount? 




Read Luke 11:28.  What did Jesus want to see in the disciples who were excited about the power of God's Word?




Read Acts 2:42  What did the early Christians do with the teaching they had learned from the Apostles?






Four Ways to Apply a Text to Our Lives


1.       Obey a command


2.       Trust a promise


3.       Learn by Examples


4.       Believe God's statements of truth



Some principles of Bible Interpretation:


1.  Take the Bible literally unless the Bible itself says otherwise.  If the Bible presents something as a fact, understand it that way.  If it says it’s a parable or a vision, understand it that way.  Additionally, there are idioms and figures of speech which are generally easy to identify.


2.  Consider the context. (Asking investigative questions)


3.  Let the Bible interpret itself.  Consider difficult passages in the light of clear Biblical truths.  (i.e. No passage will contradict clear truths such as man’s sinfulness, salvation by God’s grace alone, that Jesus is true God and true man, etc.)  Parallel passages can help.  (Example: See James 2:24, Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 3:20, and John 15)


4.  Ask the question, “How does God get the glory?”  Often misinterpretations happen when we selfishly try to assign glory to man, glory which really belongs to God.  (i.e. “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved” can be interpreted in two ways.  One interpretation = believing is the part that humans do in their salvation.  The second = a person needs to do nothing for their salvation; God simply invites us to trust that He’s already done it all.  Interpretation #2 gives God the glory, and is correct.) Don’t look for the application before you understand the proper interpretation. (Example: Matthew 7:1-5)


5.  Prayer.



There are four things to look for when doing Bible study:

1.       What teachings are in this section?

2.       How does this lead me to confess my own sinfulness?

3.       For what does this lead me to give thanks?

4.       For what does this lead me to pray?



  Read Luke 16:19-31

1.  What teachings or truths are in this section? 

2.  How does this lead you to confess your own sinfulness? 

3.  For what does this lead you to give thanks? 

4.  For what does this lead you to pray? 

    Read Luke 7:11-17

1.  What teachings or truths are in this section? 


2.  How does this lead you to confess your own sinfulness? 


3.  For what does this lead you to give thanks? 


4.  For what does this lead you to pray? 



  Read Romans 12:1-8

1.  What teachings or truths are in this section? 

2.  How does this lead you to confess your own sinfulness? 

3.  For what does this lead you to give thanks? 

4.  For what does this lead you to pray? 



Some practical notes on Bible Study.

·   Use an accurate, up-to-date translation.  Suggestions -- the New International Version, the New American Standard, God’s Word to the Nations.  The use of one specific Bible all the time can help in remembering where passages are located.

·   Don’t be afraid to skip around.  Perhaps read the book of Genesis, then John’s Gospel.  Then read some of the Psalms, then some of the New Testament epistles.  Keep reading!

·   Begin with prayer that the Holy Spirit would open your eyes to the truths, close with prayer concerning the truths you learned.

·   Sometimes read long sections quickly, to get the big picture.  Sometimes read short sections and think them through more carefully.

·   Mark your Bible!!!  Use a pen/highlighter to mark key verses.  Write down -- in the margins -- ideas and/or insights which you have.

·   Set aside a specific time each day to do it, even if it’s a very short time.

·   Remember: It’s a process! You’ll never stop learning!  Sometimes you’ll feel like you’re regressing on not seen noticeable growth.  It’s a slow process sometimes.  Keep working at it!